5 Ways Media Training Can Make or Break Your Next TV Appearance
You’ve Got About 3 (Yes, 3!) Seconds to Make an Impression. Are You Ready? TV...
What Producers Really Look for in an Interview Guest
Sam McGhee on Unsplash You’ve landed a media opportunity – awesome! But getting booked is...
Why You Need to PR Your Own PR
Photo by Daniel Apodaca on Unsplash In the media world, there’s a pretty important rule that often gets...
What Is Media Training and Why Do You Need It?
Emilia and Rachel at Laserstream Studios So you’ve landed a big media opportunity. Congrats! Now...
How Investing in PR Can Elevate Your Brand
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash Stepping into the spotlight can seem daunting, especially when...
Ready for the Spotlight? 5 Essential Steps to Prepare for Working with a Publicist
Photo by Takehiro Tomiyama on Unsplash A Guide for Authors As an author, you might...
What You THINK Your Publicist Does vs. What She ACTUALLY Does
Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash Publicists, am I right? If you only know us from...
5 Ways to Make Producers Fall in Love
Our clients get booked by news media all the time. And it's not just because...
What’s With All the Horses?
If you've taken a (virtual) stroll around our website, you may have noticed an unexpected...
TV Time-Out: 5 Mistakes That’ll Keep You Off the Air
Even though anyone can start a YouTube channel from their basement these days, there's nothing...